Hardware Processing
Optimization Systems
Documents for 3D Hardwood Log Processing Optimization System includes system design,
users manual, and system installation. These documents are made available by
contacting us.
3D Log Processing System (3DLPS)
About this file: This is a detailed system design of 3D Log Sawing System. The system
was developed with Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) and Open Graphics Library (OpenGL).
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) was used to retrieve data from and save sawing
results to an MS Access database. ADO enables client applications to access and
manipulate data from a variety of sources through an Object Linking and Embedding
Database (OLEDB)provider (MSDN, 2010).
3DLPS System Users Manual
About this file: This is a user guide for the 3D optimal log sawing program. In this
document, the system requirements are briefly reviewed and an example of application
is demonstrated.
3DLPS System Installation
About this file: This optimal sawing system is compiled in a release version, and
no setup is required. If you have a CD contained Log Sawing System Program, please
insert the system CD to CD ROM. Open CD file, and copy the ‘Optimal sawing system’
folder to the hard drive. To run the optimal sawing system, double click the ‘Optimal
sawing system’ folder from hard drive, and then click the optimal sawing.exe file.
3D Lumber Edging and Trimming System (3DLETS)
About this file: A new 3 Dimensional lumber visualization edging and trimming tool
was created and tested by employing advanced techniques in computer graphics and
database application. This system has windows style formatting and functionalities
with respect to viewing, zooming in/out, rotating and transposing. Users can add,
delete the lumber piece from the system and compare the final results against the
standard results obtained from a graded piece. An optimal algorithm was used to
obtain the best edging and trimming solution, and the user can compare the results
among manual cutting method, optimal cutting method, and NHLA grader estimation.
3DLETS System Users Manual
About this file: This is a user guide for the 3D optimal log sawing program. In this
document, the system requirements are briefly reviewed and an example of application
is demonstrated.
3DLETS System Installation
About this file: This optimal sawing system is compiled in a release version, and
no setup is required. If you have a CD contained Log Sawing System Program, please
insert the system CD to CD ROM.Open CD file, and copy the ‘Optimal sawing system’
folder to the hard drive. To run the optimal sawing system, double click the ‘Optimal
sawing system’ folder from hard drive, and then click the optimal sawing.exe file.
3D Log Bucking System (3DLBS)
About this file: The optimal bucking system consists of four major components: tree
stem data manipulation, 3-D modeling, bucking optimization, and data storage. Component
object model (COM) was employed to integrate the system that was designed using
the principle of object-oriented programming (OOP). The system was programmed with
Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) and Open Graphics Library (OpenGL).
3DLBS System Users Manual
About this file: This is a user guide for the 3D optimal log bucking program. In
this document, the system requirements are briefly reviewed and an example of application
is demonstrated.
3DLBS System Installation
About this file: This optimal bucking system is compiled in a release version, and
no setup is required. If you have a CD contained Log Bucking System Program, please
insert the system CD to CDROM. Open CD file, and copy the ‘Optimal bucking system’
folder to the hard drive.
Journal Papers and Reports
About this file: An optimal tree stem bucking system was developed for central Appalachian
hardwood species using three-dimensional(3D) modeling techniques.
About this file: A three-dimensional (3D) log sawing optimization system was developed
to perform 3D log generation, opening face determination, sawing simulation, and
lumber grading.
About this file: An assessment of central Appalachian hardwood log bucking was conducted
on six sites across West Virginia.
About this file: A total of 230 logs from two species, red oak (Quercus rubra) and
yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), were measured in five typical hardwood
sawmills across West Virginia to evaluate log sawing practices and lumber recovery.
Log characteristics such as length, diameter, sweep, taper, and elliptical were
measured in sawmills, while log scale and grade were determined by using the US
Department of Agriculture Forest Service grading rules.
Assessment Lumber Edging and Trimming
About this file: Six small-scale sawmills were investigated on two separate occasions
to evaluate lumber edging, trimming, and grading practices across West Virginia.
Measurements for wane, clear wood, and defects were taken on 60 pieces of lumber
prior to edging and trimming at each sawmill.
About this file: A 3D log sawing optimization system was developed to perform log
generation, opening face determination, sawing simulation, and lumber grading using
3D modeling techniques. Heuristic and dynamic programming algorithms were used
to determine opening face and grade sawing optimization.
About this file: An optimal three-dimensional visualization system was developed
for edging and trimming of rough lumber in central Appalachia. ActiveX Data Objects
were implemented via MS Visual Cþþ/Open Graphics Library to manipulate board data
at the back end supported by a relational data model with four data entity types:
Board, Shape, Defect, and Defect Type.
Log Sawing Edging Trimming
About this file: An integrated 3D log processing optimization system was developed
to perform 3D log generation, opening face determination, head rig log sawing simulation,
flitch edging and trimming simulation, can tree sawing, and lumber grading.
Hardwood Lumber Edging and Trimming Final Report
About this file: This report is about an interactive Web-Based training toolkit for
prima processors to improve lumber utilization and grading efficiency and maximizing
profits from Appalachian Hardwoods.
Hardwood Lumber Edging and Trimming Final Summary Report
About this file: This is a summary report of an interactive Web-Based training toolkit
for primary processors to improve lumber utilization and grading efficiency and
maximizing profits from Appalachian Hardwoods.
Log and Lumber Grading Rules
Simplified NHLA Lumber Grading Rules Table
About this file: This is a table of limber grading rules.
NHLA Hardwood Lumber Grading Rules Book
About this file: This is a book about grading and measurement of hardwood lumber.
A constant review and study of the those who are constantly using them. No rules
or regulations can be truly effective unless they are understood and correctly
Hardwood Log Grading Rules HandBook
About this file: This handbook briefly summarizes common log grading rules for hardwoods.
Basic concepts in log scaling, lumber grading and log bucking optimization are
also discussed because each of these topics relates to log grading.
Marketing and Management Strategies
To better serve the hardwood lumber industry in the Appalachian region, it is necessary
to study the hardwood sawmills and examine their management efficiency and marketing
strategies. Several studies have been done to focus on this area.
Journal Papers and Reports
Appalachian Hardwood in Chinese Market
About this file: This is a paper discussed log and lumber trade between the Appalachian
region of the United States and China.
Appalachian Hardwood Export to China
About this file: A mail survey of Appalachian hardwood product exporters was conducted
in the fall of 2008 to analyze the export practices for Appalachian hardwood products,
specifically the volume of hardwood products exported to the Chinese market, their
preferred species, and potential and existing trade barriers between US producers
and Chinese customers.
Appalachian Hardwood Trade Final Report
About this file: This is a summary report of the project aims to improve the central
Appalachian hardwood producers’ knowledge of the Chinese market for central Appalachian
hardwoods, foster better understanding between the central Appalachian hardwood
and Chinese forestry sectors, and develop better linkages between U.S. seller sand
Chinese buyers.
Appalachian Hardwood Trade Final Summary Report
About this file: This is a final summary report format for a wood education and resource
center project.
Assessments of the Impacts of Economic Downturn on the Appalachian Hardwood Sawmills
About this file: A mail survey of 776 hardwood sawmills was conducted in the fall
of 2010 to investigate the impacts of the economic downturn on sawmill production,
employment, and marketing and exporting practices in the Appalachian region.
Energy Consumption and Efficiency
Energy consumption and efficiency are critical to hardwood sawmills due to economic
conditions, energy prices, energy supply, and environmental related concerns. Therefore,
it is necessary to examine the energy consumption and efficiency for hardwood sawmills
in the Appalachian region to help hardwood sawmills find effective ways of reducing
energy consumption and cost.
Journal Papers and Reports
Energy Consumption and Efficiency of Hardwood Sawmills in the Appalachian Region
About this file: A study of energy consumption and efficiency for hardwood sawmills
was conducted in the Appalachian region.